digital campus春苗双语广播站 20171206期
Good morning! Teachers and students. This is our bilingual broadcasting
station. Welcome to our Happy English!
My name is___Linda____ from Class____1____ Grade___6___ .大家好,我是__6__年级__1___班的__侯湘怡____。
B:Hello, boys and girls. I’m__Steven__
from Class_ 1___ Grade ___6____.大家好,我是___6___年级____1___班的___吕嘉豪______。
AB:Nice to meet you .很高兴再次和你们相聚在这里。希望大家喜欢我们主持的节目。
AB:——每周一句 Weekly English.
A:Today I will teach you a proverb that is “live and learn”.(今天,我来教大家一则谚语,活到老 学到老。)
B:L-I-V-E live A-N-D and L-E-A-R-N learn,live and learn?
B:Can you make a sentence?
A:OK.The knowledge is endless,what we know is only a small part of it ,so we should live and learn(因为知识无穷无尽,我们了解的只是其中的一小部分,所以我们要活到老,学到老。)
B:I see.So, can I say “learning is going to live and learn,because knowledge is never learned?”(我明白了,那么可不可以这样造句——学习就要活到老 学到老,因为知识是学不完的。)
A:Of course!Dear friends,do you understand “live and learn” now?
B:接下来,是我们的第二板块——SAY YOU SAY ME说你说我
A:Do you know the killer whale?(你知道虎鲸吗?)
B:Yes,I also know due to the performance of killer whales in movies,TY and aquariums,they can be said to be household names.(当然知道,我还知道由于虎鲸在电影,电视与水族馆中的演出,它们可以说是家喻户晓的明星级动物。)
A:In fact,the killer whale was still persecuted by people until the 1860s.(事实上在19 世纪60年代以前,虎鲸仍然受到人们的迫害。)
B:The public’s perception of them has changed since a few wild individuals are captured and tamed.(直到少数野生个体被捕捉训服后,社会大众对它们的观念才有所改善。)
A:Every year on October 4th is the World Animal Day.Nowadays ,people from all over the world will hold kinds of activities to celebrate on that day.The aim of this festival is to remind people to care for all animals and build a harmonious relationship with them.(每年的十月四日是世界动物日。现在,世界各地的人们会用各种活动来庆祝这一节日,以此来提醒人们关爱所有的动物,并与他们建立和谐的关系。)
A:首先,请大家欣赏 三年级1班 钟昌佑 同学的趣配音作品。
B:What gets larger,the more you take away?(X2遍)什么东西你拿走越多,反而越大?
B:现在公布上周答案: THE SUN.同学们,你们都答对了吗?
A:上周我们的幸运听众是 五1班 魏伊万 和 三4班 李政辕 ,请以上两位同学课后到二楼学生发展中心领取奖品。
A:接下来请欣赏歌曲 <<Live it up>>
A:我们下周见。see you next time,bye-bye!
B:see you next time,bye!上一篇:春苗双语广播站 第6期